MiMa Agency

MiMa Agency connects manufacturing companies of customised kitchens, sliding doors and furniture with retail businesses. It is our ambition to generate high-quality trade and it is our core business to provide customised solutions that meet everyone’s specific needs and requirements. This is how we help realise showrooms that deliver optimum results.

Have a look at the MiMa furniture & accessories

High-quality customised products

We set the bar high. We have high-quality standards. For our products and for our people. However, precisely because we strictly adhere to this and ensure that others also comply with these requirements, we have satisfied customers, from manufacturers to consumers.


Craftsmanship. That’s what it is all about. Of our manufacturers and our employees. They are well trained, representative, discreet and professional. And they deliver on their promises. We also consider it very important to give our clients sound advice and to be reliable, in all respects.

Sound advice

We have years of experience, both in the professional sector and in the private market. Because of this experience we keep asking questions. We give advice and provide input. That way you realise the perfect showroom, and obtain better results, together with MiMa Agency.

MiMa Mooi in Maatwerk – registered trademark

MiMa Agency represents high-quality products. Products that are clearly recognisable and that appeal to a broad audience. We sell our complete interior programme of tables, chairs, couches and accessories under the MiMa Mooi in Maatwerk® registered trademark.

Our team

Mooi In Maatwerk - Team - Martin Jansen

Martin Jansen

MiMa Agency BV

Mooi In Maatwerk - Team - Hans Scholten

Hans Scholten

Account Manager | Kitchens & interior

Mooi In Maatwerk - Team - Kirsten van Raak

Kirsten van Raak

Interieur designer | Kitchens & interior

Mooi In Maatwerk - Team - Ilse Zoontjens

Ilse Zoontjens

Interieur designer | Kitchens & interior

Mooi In Maatwerk - Team - Ilse Zoontjens

Fleur van der Pluijm

Interieur designer | Kitchens & interior

Mooi In Maatwerk - Team - Ilse Zoontjens

Mirte Roozen

Interieur designer | Kitchens & interior

Mooi In Maatwerk - Team - Ilse Zoontjens

Mario van den Broek

Mechanic | MiMa Agency BV